Tuesday, December 02, 2008


剛過去嘅星期六及日, 睇意甲球賽時, 發現當地天氣幾惡劣: 西北部嘅都靈大雨兼大雪; 而下些少嘅熱拿亞, 亦都大雨連連。原來近排意大利北部廣泛地區都受惡劣天氣影響, 大雨兼大雪; 至於其他地方, 如羅馬, 拿玻里, 西西里島等亦受強風吹襲。其中東北部嘅大城市 ~ 水都威尼斯水災災情極嚴重, 經歷近二十多年以來最大水災。

A man with thigh-high boots walk past a gondola.

Two men wade through a flooded Piazza San Marco.

A woman walks on Piazza San Marco.  Nearly all the streets of the city, including the central tourist district were already under water by mid-morning.

High water covers a cafe's table and chairs in Venice's Piazza San Marco.

威尼斯地標之一 ~ Rialto Bridge: D水浸到及膝咁高, 途人都要澗水而行。

People slosh through the flooded area of the city's Grand canal.

呢幾位仁兄, 仲有雅興浸住對脚飲番杯......

People take a drink near on a flooded quay near Rialto bridge on December 1, 2008 in Venice.

聖馬可廣場 (Piazza San Marco/ St Mark's Square)位處威尼斯最低地方, 廣場呢兩日都浸得極犀利, 水深到一個人嘅大腿。

A man takes a picture of flooding at the Piazza San Marco - Venice's historic center and its lowest point.
The wide expanse of the Piazza San Marco is normally crowded with tourists, artists and vendors.

若果唔好彩揀正呢排去意大利玩, 就真的祝君好運....見到下面兩位旅客, 就諗起下次去意大利, 更加要做背囊友, 唔好拖箱, 我邊有佢地咁孔武有力!

People carry their luggage through the flooded streets of Piazza San Marco.

浸到咁, 乜旅行興致都冇晒囉....

A woman splashes through the Piazza San Marco during floods on December 1, 2008 in Venice.   Water taxi and ferry service in the city was suspended due to the flooding.
Tourists wade through flood waters in Venice.
Tourists and residents struggled to get across the city over raised walkways.


  1. 嘩... 浸成咁, 如果咁橋宜家係威尼斯就真真掃興lor! 名乎其實的水鄉!
    [版主回覆12/03/2008 14:04:00]浸得真係好勁, 水都果然係水都.....

  2. 我都睇到呢篇報導,仲話當地政府而家叫D遊客唔好去威尼斯,又話水位以每年10CM既幅度上昇.........好驚呀~~
    [版主回覆12/05/2008 09:13:00]係囉, 連當地政府都叫人暫時唔好去佢地度, 睇來問題唔小呢...

  3. 最近好忙好少上來探你啊, 你點呀? 睇到呢d新聞都有點擔心, 話哂意大利同我地都有d"密切"關係麻  希望威尼斯盡快冇事啦! 前兩日睇新聞Roma又水浸~
