Saturday, September 13, 2008


我都好耐冇在Blog講關於隊長嘅消息。雖然我依家比較迷Palla, 但隊長永遠都係我最欣賞嘅球員, 而佢亦係我由94/95年開始愛上祖雲達斯以來, 第一位最喜歡嘅祖記球員 (我係先支持祖記然後才開始喜歡隊長的)。

轉眼間, 隊長已經效力祖記第15個年頭, 可以話係球會現時嘅精神領袖。唔知佢將會幾時掛靴, 不過希望佢可以有足夠體力, 繼續代表祖記爭取佳績, 最希望係可以見到佢在足球生涯完結前可以再奪Champions League冠軍。


今日在網上見到佢一個簡短訪問, 摘自:

Friday 12 September, 2008

Alex open to overseas swansong

Alessandro Del Piero has given a revealing interview in which he discusses his hardest moments as a player and hints at finishing his career abroad.

The Juventus captain is the face of the club for a generation of fans and has been in Turin since he joined from Padova in 1993.

Del Piero, who is the Old Lady's all-time top scorer with 241 goals, penned a two-year contract extension last October and won't play for another Serie A side but he has left the door open for a foreign experience to close his career.

“If I had just been thinking about money I wouldn't have signed the contract renewal,” he admitted in Sportsweek.

“I did consider leaving Juve on a couple of occasions but these temptations didn't last long. But this will be my final team, at least in Italy.”

While Alex has enjoyed a sensational life in football, he has also had his tough times.

“The worst moment of my career was when I was injured in Udine in October 1998,” he stated, referring to the season-ending knee injury.

“But it was also tough when I left home to try and be a footballer at the age of 12 I could've joined Torino but I couldn't leave my family.

“However, the death of my father and his battle against illness reminded me that in life there are tough situations, much tougher than football. And unlike football, these problems don't necessarily have nice solutions.”



  1. 近代忠心球員已經越來越少...值得敬重~

    [版主回覆09/14/2008 10:38:00]真係, 忠心如隊長廸比亞路嘅人真係已經越來越少囉.......多謝晒哈哈笑你!  我都祝你中秋節快樂呀!!

  2. 原來我早過你鍾意祖雲達斯。我由巴治奧年代就鍾意,果時巴治奧,維埃里同拉雲拿利真係好勁。記得睇球迷世界,維埃利單刀一腳射中左條Cross bar,之後佢立即用倒掛射入,我當時呆左。 最記得巴治奧走後,我鄰居問我而家十號係邊個,我話係迪比亞路,佢果時話都唔知邊個。我諗而家冇人唔知邊個叫迪比亞路掛。祖記真係陪住我成長ga。
    [版主回覆09/14/2008 10:36:00]依.....我開始鐘意祖記時, 都仲係巴治奧,維埃里同拉雲拿利時代呀, 不過可能冇你咁早, 哈哈。當時, 我都唔多知邊個係廸比亞路。記唔記得, 祖記本來95年 (?? 好似係)第一次來港友賽, 我本來買左飛 (仲要係最貴個隻), 點知唔知攪乜鬼除消左, 叫我地訂左飛嘅人去退飛, 每人送張巴治奧海報當補償!!!  點知自此之後, 要等到2005年 (足足等左10年), 祖記先真係第一次訪港呀!!  祖記同隊長都培住我成長呀, 哈哈哈。

  3. 好慘呀,前幾年祖記黎時我剛剛轉工(佢踢星期日,我星期一就First Day),仲要轉少了好多人工,為左慳錢冇睇到。到前排黎香港,D主力又唔黎,唉....勁慘。不過無論邊隊意甲黎,我都會去睇既,叫支持下囉。
    [版主回覆09/15/2008 18:24:00]咁慘, 遇著轉工仲要少左人工?....但點解唔買平D價錢嘅飛入場睇呀? 
    以前D意甲隊伍來香港我都會睇, 同你講一樣, 都叫支持下嘛...唔知點解意大利隊來香港, 總唔能夠吸引香港人入場嘅。呢幾年都唔多意大利隊來, 可能覺得以前反應差??  希望下次祖記來香港時可以夫添來啦。

  4. 已經不記得由幾時開始鍾意迪比亞路,大大話話應該已經超過10年了,到目前為止都是勁勁勁鍾意他 希望他可以多踢幾年先掛靴,咁我們一班球迷就有福啦~~
    [版主回覆09/15/2008 18:25:00]志同道合呀 !!  我都非常希望佢踢多幾年先掛靴呀。

  5. 多謝你報告迪比近況呀!
    [版主回覆09/15/2008 18:26:00]唔駛客氣喎, my friend !    我諗香港應該有唔少廸比亞路嘅粉絲。
