Tuesday, April 15, 2008


係真唔係??!!  鄧納東尼終於睇到隊長發威, 據講依家決定會選隊長入國家隊, 出戰6月嘅歐洲國家杯呀!! 

講多無謂, 行動最實際。 隊長就係以佢今季超級優越嘅表現, 令到國內傳媒同唔少人, 都強烈要求鄧帥要選埋隊長入伍!!  咁隊長今次就真係要好好把握機會, 唔好再逢大場失準, 做番好多齣好戲比我地所有 "番士"同鄧帥睇喇!! 

希望今屆歐洲國家杯可以睇到隊長穿上國家隊波衫比賽啦 (最後機會喇)!!  支持您!!! 

**************** 網上意大利國家杯最新消息 *******************

There are reports in the peninsula (=Italy) that Roberto Donadoni has told Alessandro Del Piero that he will be chosen for the Azzurri's Euro 2008 squad.

Despite his superb form in this campaign, Del Piero wasn't selected for Italy's friendlies against Portugal or Spain and is facing the possibility of missing out on the summer's adventure in Austria and Switzerland.

But the nation's Press have supported Alex's cause in recent weeks and have implored Don to name the Juventus captain in his squad next month and it sees that the campaign may have succeeded.

According to Il Giornale (=一份意大利報章), Donadoni phoned Del Piero after his heroics against Milan last Saturday to reassure him that he will be playing at Euro 2008.

It has been suggested that Don told Pinturricchio (=Del Piero花名) he hadn't selected him for the pre-tournament friendlies because he doesn't need to be shown what the 33-year-old can do.

Del Piero has hit the net 14 times so far during this campaign and has played an inspirational role in Juve's overachievement.



  1. 睇佢近期甘 FIT 表現,真係好難唔選番佢 !
    [版主回覆04/17/2008 23:19:00]佢今季真係超級fit!!!     

  2. 如果真係入選番國家隊嘅話,希望迪比亞路好好把握今次機會啦!
    [版主回覆04/17/2008 23:18:00]我都係咁話, 因為真係最後chance喇!!  希望隊長發大威!!

  3. 迪比亞路勁
    [版主回覆04/17/2008 23:16:00]YEAH!!!

  4. 迪比係應得ga! 迪比咁fit都入唔到國家隊就冇天理啦! 鄧帥唔怕畀全國人民指責咩!
    [版主回覆04/17/2008 23:20:00]發帥唔比人鬧到發顛就奇喇!!!  

  5. 甘好状态 5入选会是意大利的损失~~
    [版主回覆04/17/2008 23:16:00]d損失阿鄧納東尼點賠償得起先??!! 

  6. 隊長好野隊長好野!
    [版主回覆04/17/2008 23:14:00]隊長真係寶刀未老呀!!! 

  7. 把握今次機會,5好浪費
    [版主回覆04/17/2008 23:13:00]真係唔可以再浪費chance, 同球迷支持呀!
    唔該晒, 睇左喇!!

  8. 唔期望佢會有正選打~但非常期待佢做一個超級後備殺手~
    [版主回覆04/17/2008 23:23:00]你講得有道理, 鄧帥其實就算call埋隊長, 都可能出於壓力, 所以好有可能只係搵隊長作下後備, 但如果隊長唔介意, 只要自已發揮得出色, 後備一樣可以成為超級殺手!  Yeah, 殺死所有勁敵!! 
