唔知有冇人好似我咁無聊, 食粒朱古力都去研究一餐, 嘻嘻嘻!
點解咁講, 事緣尋日我公司有個同事, 趁就快農曆新年, 買左幾盒某個名牌子嘅朱古力請大家食。每盒朱古力有好多隻味道, 我就每隻都試一粒, 睇下唔同朱古力有乜唔同味道啦。其中一粒係咁嘅....
我食左之後, 看左好多次... Pure Origin Sao Tome, 乜傢伙 Sao Tome?? 於是發揮八掛精神, 走去search一下....結果, 原來:
São Tomé and Príncipe 係一個地方來的 (中文名稱: 聖多美普林西比民主共和國)!! 是在非洲大陸對出的一個小島國家呀。失敬失敬!!
根據一個網站介紹 (http://bethstepsup.blogspot.com/2007/11/about-sao-joao.html )
原來 São Tomé and Príncipe 係非洲第二細嘅國家 (真係唔好意思, 之前完全唔知原來世界上有個國家叫 São Tomé and Príncipe), (非洲最細嘅國家係Seychelles, 呢個地方可能較多人認識). 呢個國家亦係除了前英國殖民地以外, 全世界最細嘅國家 (It is the smallest country in the world that is not a former British overseas territory, a former United States trusteeship, or one of the European microstates. It is also the smallest Portuguese-speaking country). 呢個國家原來由有人居住開始已經係葡萄牙嘅殖民地, 不過1975年成為獨立國家。
"São Tomé, the capital of São Tomé and Príncipe, is a small Portuguese-speaking island just off the coast of Gabon, on the west coast of the African continent (see map above, courtesy of http://www.naval.com.br). Its population is roughly 160,000 people.
A once unoccupied territory that received its entire population through functioning as a Portuguese pit stop for slaves en route to the Americas, São Tomé faces a rough history. The country became an independent nation from Portugal in 1975, making it still extremely young. For this reason, the island retains much of its Portuguese roots- from architecture, to language, to gastronomy. Yet it is a desperately poor country, suffering regularly from lack of electricity, untreated water, and a high mortality rate."
呢個國家好似好靚咁喎!!! (原來同台灣係邦交國呢) http://www.mofa.gov.tw/webapp/ct.asp?xItem=139&ctnode=1131&mp=1
I've always wanted to go there and Cape verde as well
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/03/2011 15:12:00]haha, yes, after reading those pictures of this little country, I wanna go there immediately too !! I didn't realise before that it's such beautiful there.. and I know this country from a piece of chocolate I ate yesterday, hahahaa, how funny!
真係唔講唔知!! 你都好叻, 食一粒朱古力又識多樣野!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/04/2011 18:42:00]哈哈哈, Iris, 依家科技發達, 真係隨時足不出戶都能知天下事!! 大家都對事物知得更快更多!!