Wednesday, February 02, 2011

A message to a good friend of mine...

近日埃及所發生嘅事件, 相信大家都有在電視上略有所聞。本人有一個幾好嘅埃及朋友, 現在唔知佢點, 我都幾擔心佢同佢屋企人嘅安全。在事件剛剛發生嘅第一日時, 我地仲有透過 fb嘅e-mail聯絡, 但自從那日之後, 我就完全冇晒佢嘅消息, 希望佢只係因為全國被cut internet service同埋手機訊號所以覆唔到我啦......


Many of you probably have already known what is happening these days in Egypt.  I have a good friend who is living in Cairo with her family. Since the first day of their country's political crisis, I lost contact of her. I have been trying to get in touch with her but still in vain. Pretty worried of the safety of her and her family.... I know the internet and mobile service of her country has all been cut, and that she's not any extreme activist or whatever, but still I don't know the real situation there.  Just hope that she and her family are doing fine.


سعيد السنة الصينية الجديدة! قد يكون سلام وأمان مع لك ولعائلتك، مروة

Happy Chinese New Year to you, my good friend (although I guess you won't celebrate it)!!


A picture which I took with her and some other local Egyptian kids some years ago when I was traveling in Egypt. May your God bless you and your family.




  1. 一定會平安無事o既!! 祝你笑口常開, 出入平安! 工作順利, 身體健康呀!
    [版主回覆02/04/2011 18:27:00]多謝你呀Iris, 我仲未聯絡到佢, 我希望佢同佢屋企人都安全啦。
    我祝你全年行大運, 大吉大利, 龍精虎猛, 步步高升!!

  2. CUT左訊號,大陸一年都唔知有幾多次啦,放心無事!
    [版主回覆02/05/2011 11:01:00]希望係啦, 因為從電話新聞見那邊好似越攪越大鑊咁, 仲要個爛鬼總統多多藉口唔願走, 權力果然係令人沉醉不醒...

  3. Ta, 搵到你朋友未呀 ?? 不過唔洗咁擔心 !! 一定冇事o既 !!
    [版主回覆02/07/2011 06:38:00]多謝晒你關心 Ah dull! ! 尋日我個朋友終於出現了 !! 佢覆左個email, 原來都幾恐怖, 因為有D犯人成機越獄, 出到去周圍搶野打刧, 仲有強暴.....好驚呀! 所以當地好多人嚇到死死下! 佢成日發惡夢....我諗依家可能局勢好左D (從電視所見), 一個國家攪成咁, 真係慘 (已經咁多人捱窮啦), 唉!
