Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tsunami trips??

有朋友知道我放一個星期大假, 就問我係咪去旅行.....

我都想, 不過唔係, 只係有 "公事"在身啫。我明日去塔門玩, 後日就去澳門玩! 

冇錢, 慳錢, 唔駛咁多錢, 因為有個大計想明年實行嘛....

朋友形容我呢兩日嘅旅行係: tsunami trips!! 

I like it!  Tsunami trips!!  不過千祈明後兩days, 我唔好比tsunami 捲走喎!! 

呢幾日天氣咁差, 我懷疑個塔門之旅係咪要除消呢????????



  1. 玩得開心d喎~ 你個大計... 我唔亂諗係咩la, 祝你成功la!
    [版主回覆03/25/2009 19:37:00]iris, hahaaa....我大計成功嘅話, 一定話你知呀!!! 
    多謝你, 不過呢兩日天氣非常差, 今日仲落左一日雨, 所以都驚聽日點搞....

  2. Swedish Hongkongese26 March 2009 at 03:08

    我都未去過塔門. 有無得食海鮮架?
    [版主回覆03/26/2009 21:33:00]唉...最後並冇去到塔門呀, 因為驚去到後橫風橫雨....下次去左話你知有冇海鮮食, hahaaaa!!! 

  3. 天氣咁差, 坐船去塔門會唔會好大風浪呀?
    [版主回覆03/26/2009 21:56:00]因為天氣太差, 所以冇去到喇....

  4. hey remember me....? XD recently i hv been quite busy at my project....and these few days i can take a little break.../____________\
    nice to see that u can go for a a trip~but yeah..the weather is not too well...the sky is so dusky and it's quite remember to bring a jacket & umbrella~
    塔門 should be full of seafood restaurants...i want to eat 豉椒炒蜆  if your plan tomorrow remain unchanged, plz take some photos of the yummy dishes lol!
    [版主回覆03/26/2009 21:59:00]Thanks very much Woody.  Are you doing fine with your studies?
    No, I didn't go there today coz the weather was pretty bad.  Are there many seafood restaurants on Green Island?  Thanks for your recommendations.  Next time I shall try to eat those dishes and take some photos.

  5. 我既東坪州之旅都改咗2次期, 唔知幾時先有太陽呢
    [版主回覆03/29/2009 23:31:00]你去東坪州玩呀?  希望你快D可以出發!!  天公快D造美啦!!
