Friday, March 13, 2009

Let's Fado!!!

雖然呢篇文章嘅題目同 "綠白紅" (=意大利) 冇乜關系, 不過因為我好鐘意呢樣野, 所以我將佢 group埋落呢個 folder度。

近日得Blog友Bonequinho介紹 (I think he won't mind me mentioning his name here, haha), 聽左一D關於佢國家葡萄牙嘅傳統音樂 Fado, 覺得實在好好聽 , 所以今日走左去唱片舖搵碟! 

其實都有好多隻碟可以選擇, 不過我當然唔會咁發神經一次過買晒成堆返去啦, 所以選左兩張看上去比較吸引我嘅碟....


以前我只係知有一種葡萄牙音樂叫做 Fado, D歌手會唱埋D好憂愁嘅歌曲, 聽講在葡萄牙一D地方 (例如里斯本), 會有餐廳有歌手表演唱Fado的, 不過我未去過葡萄牙, 以前又唔識葡萄牙人, 所以冇太大認識。

為免翻譯錯誤, 但又想同大家分享認識呢種音樂, 所以我就將其中一隻CD裡, 介紹Fado的部份, 抄出來:

FADO is a traditional but also contemporary style of singing in Portugal. The word comes from Latin fatum, which means "fate". Fado cannot only be described as a song. It represents a certain feeling which many people call the spirit of Portugal. These tragic and melacholic songs, beautiful and touching, relate a general sense of frustration and a unique Portuguese fatalism. They express a feeling which the Portuguese call "saudade", an almost untranslatable word evoking longing, yearning and nostalgia. (原來Fado呢個字來自拉丁文嘅 fatum, 解作命運)

頭先忍唔住, 已經聽左其中一隻CD (右手邊那張, 封面係著名Fado歌手 Amalia Rodrigues), 隻CD係一隻雜錦碟, 集合左16位唱Fado嘅女歌手嘅Fado歌, CD裡面嘅16隻歌中, 我最喜歡係第四首叫 "Lagrima" (Argentina Santos唱的), 同埋第十首叫 "O Que Sobrou da Mouraria" (Maria Armanda唱的)。

如果大家有興趣聽下另類音樂, 我會高度推介你聽 Fado。

唔好講笑, 我都係啱啱開始學人接受新事物, 聽Fado, 深入嘅野唔識講, 介紹當然冇問題啦, 哈哈哈!!  HMV有得買架

要知多D關於Fado嘅野, 你地可以過去問 Bonequinho!  (If you want to know more about Fado, go and visit Bonequinho's blog, and ask him for more.... surely he'll be very glad to answer any of your questions coz ~ He's the Ambassador of Portugal to HK)


  1. Well...i'm amazed...hahaha, although i don't really like Fado that much...but i'm deeply touched, hahaha...maybe you listen to fado more than me...hahaha...hey, i'm thinking of writing an entry about Fado too and the fado houses where you can have a meal and listen to a performance, will you mind i use this entry as well?
    [版主回覆03/13/2009 22:42:00]Are you really going to write an entry on Fado houses?  Fantastic !!!!!!  I'm looking forward to reading it... be quick, huh!!  Can you go to one of those houses and take pics too?  Hahaa (too much work for you, I guess)!  .... go ahead and use my entry as you like it. 

  2. Hummm...maybe you should sponsor my visit to the fado houses, hahaha... Well, Anita as i told you before i'm not really that into Fado, i mean i appreciate it and it's part of the Portuguese culture, but it's not my favorite musical style. But a Hk brazilian friend came here with her English boyfriend and both loved Fado performance at the Fado house even though she was the only one able to understand what was being sung, haha, i think going to a Fado house for me is like going to Bullfighting, maybe once in a lifetime, and only if it's to go as someone's company, hahaha...but i agree it's a definitely nice cultural experience, the Fado and bullfighting. And usually the meals are only served at the Fado house after the performance, because it's a sign of disrespect to be eating while someone is singing something so touching, hahaha
    Clube de Fado is probably the most famous house of Fados in Lisbon.

    And thanks for letting me include your blog in my future Fado entry, haha
    [版主回覆03/14/2009 21:48:00]No problem Hugo... send me the bill and I'll reimburse you straight away, hahaa!!   I can understand it... it's like smelly tofu, Cantonese operas and durians.... I appreciate their "creations" but I'm not fond of them .  Surely, one day I'm gonna go to both a fado performance at a Fado House and a bullfighting show.  It's good to have a Fado performance and then the meal.... when you're full, you'll fall asleep easily.
    I must say ~~ The Clube de Fado is a BRILLIANT place!  How can one miss a Fado performance while he or she is in Portugal?!  No way, of course! 
    Prego!!  Waiting for your new "issue", hahaaaaaa!!!

    Some articles about Fado that i found for you
    [版主回覆03/14/2009 21:54:00]Wow, Muito obrigada Hugo!!!  I know I'll be busy reading all the articles, but definitely I enjoy reading them all.  I think after Mafia (La Cosa Nostra!), what I'll follow next will be Fado!!  Hahaaa  
    Ancora, muito obrigada!!! 

  4. oh..this is my 1st time that i heard about this kind of music..fado..i search fado in youtube and listen to a few songs...though it's not my favourite type of music, it's very nice to listen in sounds like those European folk songs and it's quite serene and soothing =D
    [版主回覆03/14/2009 22:07:00]Ciao Woody!!  Great that you are starting to listen to some of the Fado songs too !  Are you more into pop music, and that's why Fado isn't your favorite type of music?  I usually only listen to pop music but I think Fado is a very good alternative to pop.  I need a change once in a while, hahaa, and Fado is surely a good choice! 

  5. wow, need to ask Hugo gwei lo to know more! it's sound very nice, hope to listen to it later!!!
    [版主回覆03/17/2009 09:22:00]Yes, you shall ask him (instead of me who is only a starter! haha) for more as he's the "local" and he's the Ambassador
    Would you like to try and listen some?  If you like it, I'll be very happy to send you two or three songs to start up with.... oh yes, or probably I put the videos on Facebook so you can watch them.... .. A very good friend of mine knows that I like Fado songs and she's put up some on her Facebook for me to watch too!  Hahaaaaa....
