Saturday, May 10, 2008

Now in Siena...back to Torino tomorrow!

Today we are in is a very beautiful town!  Tomorrow I am going back to Torino...and hope to see their last match of the season - Juventus against Catania.  But I have not got any ticket yet, so don't know if I can really get to the stadium and watch them play.  Anyway...

Here the weather is beautiful and it is so cool....

Hope all is well with you guys...




  1. Wah~~ 你又可以睇多場主場比賽,仲可以去攞下球員簽名添~~ 正呀!!  祝你有更大收獲!
    [版主回覆05/12/2008 23:58:00]No...this time we came back to Torino on Saturday, and it's too late to get any ticket at the stadium.... so I saw the match at a bar!

  2. woo...好期待你的旅游pp
    good luck in Torino
    [版主回覆05/12/2008 23:58:00]Ciao Karen!!  Hope to share the pics with you all soon!!!
    Miss you guys very much!!
