Monday, June 23, 2008

De Rossi: I'm inconsolable

Source from:


歐國杯8強: 西班牙 vs 意大利

Spain 0 - 0 Italy in 120 minutes (4-2 on penalties)

<B> Spagna-Italia, la sequenza dei rigori</B>

Daniele De Rossi could not hide his pain and disappointment at seeing his penalty saved in the shoot-out.

“Undoubtedly it is painful to go out this way, but we have our heads held up high,” said the Roma midfielder.

He was one of those who scored in Italy’s shoot-out victory in the World Cup Final, but Iker Casillas kept out his spot-kick to send Spain through to the semi-final.

De Rossi was carrying an injury and many have tried to reassure him – and Antonio Di Natale, who also missed.

<B> Spagna-Italia, la sequenza dei rigori</B>

“People always say the same phrases to those who miss penalties and we know that deep down, but the pain remains and so does the disappointment.

“That’s the trouble with penalties, one time you celebrate and another you go out.”

The game ended goalless after 120 minutes and De Rossi believes the Azzurri were by no means outplayed.

“Perhaps Spain had a little more than us when moving the ball around, but we had clearer chances with Camoranesi and Di Natale.”


The wife of Del Piero

The wife of De Rossi


  1. 真係冇癮 ! 又輸12碼 !  ! 連 迪拿達利 都唔入 ! 唉 ! 不過 意大利 能夠黎到 8強 已經算係甘 !

  2. 已經打得好好嫁啦

  3. 话有人不想射 derossi挺身而上 他又伤 尽着力嘎了 哎...
    就5明白就是给迪那泰利 无表现点射嘎...哎 甘个排阵.......

  4. 傳聞話有3個唔敢射pk既pk(東尼/岩布仙尼/彭路基),結果迪羅斯挺身而出....

  5. 我唔會怪任何人,始終射十二碼呢樣嘢都係聽天由命。
    不過迪羅斯射失十二碼真係好意外,回想翻佢喺世界盃決賽時嘅十二碼,勁度同角度都十足,靚到絕。而迪拿達利個眼神都唔多掂啦... 哎~~ 算啦! 過咗去喇~~

  6. 輸12碼真係好無奈...雖然好多人話意大利入到8強都賺晒, 但比賽得, 當然想繼續進級, 所以輸真係好失落。
    學廸比亞路話齋, 兩年前意大利憑12碼打敗法國成為世界杯冠軍; 所以今日以12碼輸給西班牙無緣進級, 亦無話可說...
    不過講真, 以12碼決定出線權真係對球員同球迷都係一種好殘忍嘅方法, 但真係唔知仲有乜野其他更好或更所謂公平嘅方法。
    希望因為今次嘅失敗, 意大利足總同有關人士可以儉討得失 ~ 第一, 炒鬼左鄧納東尼個二流國家隊領隊; 第二係快d想辦法解決青黃不接嘅問題; 各位應該都認為意大利有不少問題需要解決, 快d請番納比返來幫手啦!!!!
