Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!!!  I wish you all a very warm and cheerful Christmas time!!

(I'm sorry but everything I'm gonna write in this blog entry is gonna be English coz I'm too lazy to type Chinese characters today - Christmas Day).


*** Jingle Bells in Italian version ***


Whenever Christmas comes, I have two things coming into my mind.  What are they?

1) Wham's song "Last Christmas".  This is such a great classic song.  I have never really been a great fan of Wham or George Michael, but without doubt (to me, lol), he's one of the greatest singers ever.


2) Home Alone movie series.  I don't know why, but I really like this movie series and I have watched them many many times already. Macaulay Culkin was such a smart and cute little kid in the movies and his tricks on the stupid burglars were such perfect ones!  haha.


Well, I started to think about what I did last Christmas.  Obviously, not sitting at home writing my blog entry as I'm now!  Last Christmas Day, I remember I was eating delicious grilled octopus and drinking cold beers at a restaurant in Lisbon, Portugal on a super cold and rainy day. I remember it was only about 5 degrees Celsius and it was raining hard. I just finished visiting the Lisbon Catherdal (funny enough it was open for about three hours in the afternoon and I managed to see it, very briefly though) and 99% of the shops were closed on Christmas Day. Luckily, I found a restaurant which was still open! Brilliant!


Their grilled octopus was so delicious!  I still remember how it tasted like (whether you believe it or not, lol). It's after the octopus that I ate at this restaurant that I started to love grilled octopus so much. Since then, I still haven't eaten any grilled octopus which is better than this restaurant's.


I definitely will return to eat their grilled octopus (plus some beers) again!

* Merry Christmas! * Buon Natale! * Bom Natal!  *




  1. Merry Christmas !
    [版主回覆12/27/2010 11:07:00]Belated Merry Christmas, Jack!!!

  2. Merry Christmas to you too!! 我都會諗起Last Christmas呢首歌, 另外就係Love Actually入面o既Christmas is all around!
    [版主回覆12/27/2010 11:09:00]Belated Merry Christmas, Iris !!  Christmas is all around....我由下次Christmas開始會記埋佢先, hahaha!!!

  3. merry x'mas ar~ have a happiness and warm x'mas day
    I can across a white x'mas day!! I extremely happy
    [版主回覆12/28/2010 18:09:00]Belated Merry Christmas to you !!!! I wish you a very very warm one too, haha. Are you still in NY? I heard from the TV news that a lot of states in the America are being hit by blizzards. I bet you must be enjoying the white snowy days now!!  Are you staying there for long or will you be back to HK soon?

  4. I not live in New York!! I live in Reading, PA States, drive car to New York about 2hr!!
    because I first see the snow, so I very enjoy...HAHA^^
    I sure can not staying in USA, I want come back to Hong Kong, I miss my framily, fd and other, 1/31 I will come back to Hong Kong 3week, I very expect!!
    [版主回覆12/29/2010 21:06:00]Oh I see... PA should be a very nice state to live in !  I suppose you can't live in the States without a car, right?  I once stayed in Miami for a month in the summer (the whole of July) and it was so so so hot there!  Wow, so you'll be back to HK very soon - 3 weeks to go.  Coming back for the Chinese New Year break? Sorry I'm getting too nosy, haha.
