Monday, May 04, 2009

H1N1 virus 流感又發作...

終於香港都有一單.... 其實比起SARS, 呢個H1N1只不過係小兒科.... 2003年那次嘅SARS, 就真係攪到香港一鑊粥!

依家因為有學生住在灣仔, 所以會經常經過....星期六就更加行經被封嘅維景酒店附近, 個度真係大陣像, 周圍警車, 警察, 連清潔工人都周圍係咁掃地, 更加唔少得係大堆記者同埋攝影師, 等我都影番幾張相先。

希望快D有新疫苗出啦!!  大家一齊抗菌呀!!! 


Shall I say.... Hong Kong has finally got a confirmed case of the swine flu virus?  Compared to the SARS that Hong Kong was hammered by in 2003, this swine flu seems not so damaging (touchwood!).

I have some students living in Wanchai so I go to Wanchai quite often these days.  This past Saturday I even passed near the quarantined MetroPark Hotel.  I saw police cars and policemen even on the other side of the road where the hotel is located.  There were also loads of cleaning workers and of course reporters and cameramen around.



This is the hotel ~ the Metro Park Hotel.



  1. Well...maybe it's not as serious as the avian flu that affected HK in 2003, it's still necessary immediate interventions such as the one occurred this week in HK, at least as a precaution against it...although as i said it, it doesn't seem as ramping as the avian flu... touch wood though
    [版主回覆05/04/2009 20:23:00]Yes, that's true that we should take immediate actions to stop the virus from spreading further....... better to take precautions than to regret later ... but having said that, a lot of travelers who are being quarantined at the Metro Park Hotel are complaining a lot to the press. 

  2. 如臨大敵呀!! 不過寧願佢嚴陣以待, 好過遲左先黎後悔! 希望隻菌唔好再變種, 快d有疫苗~~
    [版主回覆05/05/2009 00:15:00]係呀, 真係寧願誇張對待, 好過話後知後覺啦....今次我都支持政府有關部門咁快手
